Wednesday 15 January 2014

What not to wear: Golden Globes

Heidi Klum's natural beauty is lost in this ensemble - the dress
and choker are distracting.  There is too much going on here!
A model of her calibre should know better.
Audrey Plaza looks like a little girl in these
colours; "but purple is my favourite colour!!"
It's very matchy-match and the pink clutch... oh dear!

Berenice Bejo has possibly found the most ill-fitting and unflattering
red dress ever.  Such a shame because she is stunning.
Hayden Panettiere wears an amazing Tom Ford dress - totally unsuitable
for her figure.  This dress fragments her already petite figure and
highlights her round shoulders.  Let's not talk about the hair.
Edie Falco strikes a great pose in this dress, but this dress is
too sack-like though the middle and the bow is too much!
It looks like she is trying to hide something.
Mila Kunis always looks great and this dress is gorgeous,
but it's a mismatch - this dress is too old for her and better
suited to Helen Miren.

How does this happen to celebrities?  I guess even with stylists and a fabulous selection of dresses to choose from, they are not immune to making mistakes.  Here are 3 tips when making fashion choices:

1)  Put yourself first!!  If the dress isn't making you stand out/ look radiant, it's not worth wearing... even if it's your dream designer and 90% off!

2)  Don't get caught up in the details; always pay attention to the overall look, especially the silhouette.

3)  Be true to yourself!  Be appropriate to your age, your passion, your figure.  Don't let anyone convince you otherwise.  And don't listen to the unkind voice in your head!
